Translational Medicine

Clinical Translational Research

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A micro-segmentation of the research enterprise along with drying up drug pipelines and piling up of un-translated basic science discoveries has prompted all the stakeholders of innovation towards development of translational medicine tools for efficacious and expedited entry of products to the market. Clinical trials are important and have lately come under scrutiny for their […]

Translational Medicine

Systems Biology – Virtual Patients

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Systems biology can describe intricate responses to therapeutic interventions in pre-clinical studies and also provide predictive models for drug safety and efficacy before going for the clinical phases. Systems biology can potentially reduce the R&D expenditure and time by improving target identification and lead quality, better description of pharmacokinetic and toxicity profiles, as well as […]

Online Courses

Translational Medicine Training Programs

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Translational medicine can be defined as investigations in human subjects which describe the biology of disease and offer the scientific basis for development of novel or effective therapies for human disease based on interventional epidemiology. It amalgamates research from the fundamental, social and political sciences with the objective of fine tuning the patient care and […]

Online Courses

What is Translational Research?

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Translational research converts scientific innovations arising from laboratory experimentations, clinical efforts, or public health studies/reports into clinical/treatment methodologies to mitigate disease occurrence, morbidity, and transience. From lay mans’ point of view to explain what is translational research requires more elaborative way of delineating it.  Fundamentally, translational research comprises of two processes of translation.

Online Courses

What is Translational Research?

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Translational research converts scientific innovations arising from laboratory experimentations, clinical efforts, or public health studies/reports into clinical/treatment methodologies to mitigate disease occurrence, morbidity, and transience. From lay mans’ point of view to explain what is translational research

Clinical Research

Stem Cell Technology

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Stem cell research is being hailed to answer many unanswered questions in modern medicine. The regenerative ability of stem cells brought a revolution in the world of medicine, in re-formation of many organs like heart, kidney, lungs, etc. But there is a dispute going on this regeneration process as the stem cells used for this […]

Translational Medicine

What is Translational Medicine?

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Translational Medicine Medical practice based on interventional epidemiology is called Translational medicine. By using the studies of health in society, translational medicine deals with medical issues on a collaborative level by incorporating research from basic, social and political sciences. Advocates consider it to be the next logical step after evidenced-based-medicine. The goal of translational medicine […]