Medical & Scientific Writing

How to Write a Book – Part 2

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Following the Hero’s Journey In most modern storytelling, the writer has us following the hero’s journey. This is a formula that has withstood the test of time and re-surges again and again. The hero must conquer perilous battles and return home, triumphant. When we are introduced to our hero he is but a poor laborer, […]

Medical & Scientific Writing

Medical & Scientific Writers In The Pharmaceutical Industry

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Medical writers are an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry. Successful medical writers possess various key competencies such as flawless English language skills, flair for writing, ability to present medical data accurately, audience identification, commitment to quality, team skills, ability to meet deadlines etc. Work Profiles: Pharmaceutical industry, Contract Research Organisations (CRO’s) and communications agencies […]

Medical & Scientific Writing

Steps Towards Good Medical Writing!

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What steps can medical and scientific writers undertake to make sure that their message reaches the target audience? Scientific writing can be considered ‘Good’ only if it meets the following criteria. The manuscript written must be: 1. Understandable: All efforts must be made to ensure that your document is interesting and that it makes sense. […]

Medical & Scientific Writing

Purpose of Scientific & Medical Writing

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The main objective of medical and scientific writing is to record data. Without a written record of the findings and observations of researchers, no proof exists that any research was conducted by them, and valuable information obtained after a lot of effort may be lost. This may result in many experiments getting repeated, simply because […]