Pharmaceutical Medicine

Pharmaceutical Marketing

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Marketing skills, experience and personal qualities are highly valued by employers to promote developed products and services within the prosperous pharmaceutical industry. Marketing of Drugs  Pharmaceutical industry plays a prominent role in the process of rapid and safe discovery, research and development of new pharmaceutical products followed by production and distribution of safe and efficacious […]

Clinical Trials

Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials

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Quality Assurance Clinical Trials

Clinical trials follow certain ethical standards adhering to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) ensured by quality assurance team members without compromising the quality of the trial results which is critical for clinical research. Education of quality assurance in clinical trials is offered at national and international professional and scientific settings. Quality Assurance (QA) Quality Assurance in clinical trials allows […]

Clinical Trials

Managing Clinical Trials

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Managing Clinical Trials

The human and financial resources used for conducting clinical trials are crucial that require every effort to ensure efficient implementation and management. Clinical trial management Clinical Trial Management facilitates the determination of safety and effectiveness of devices, diagnostic products, medications and treatment regimens intended for human use to prevent, treat, diagnose or provide relief from […]


Job Opportunities in Pharmacoepidemiology

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Job Opportunities In Pharmacoepidemiology

Concerns related to the safety of marketed medicines have increased the importance of pharmacoepidemiology. Pharmacoepidemiology is a growing discipline that applies epidemiological techniques to study drug usage in a large population.  It involves application of epidemiological methods to medicines, vaccines and cell-based or biological treatments. What is Pharmacoepidemiology Pharmacoepidemiology study evaluates drug exposure over time by […]