Clinical Research

Clinical Research Certifications

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The Clinical Research Certificate Program is a far less exhausting course than a full time degree program as it is more or less directed towards professionals than students and fresher. The program is designed to target project managers, principal investigators, and faculty members, who look forward to abreast themselves to the latest in clinical research […]

Clinical Research

Clinical Research Associate Job

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A well trained professional made of sterner stuff can only execute clinical research associate job efficiently and competently. Keeping in view the professional demands, a CRA must have a strong grounding in ethical considerations, international regulatory requirements, clinical trial conduct in agreement with global GCP and an appreciable understanding of allied activities like data management, […]

Clinical Research Jobs

How to Earn Money as a Public Speaking Expert

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Public speaking is not necessarily everyone’s favorite thing to do. Some people are terrified of the prospect. Some, however, don’t mind the idea of getting up in front of hundreds of strangers to tell them all about their wonderful new thing. There are actually those who make their living doing a public speaking circuit.

Clinical Research

Career Prospects for PharmD Graduates

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Modern drug discovery and development is highly complicated, and the pharmaceutical industry distinguishes the need for technical know-how among its research, sales and marketing professional work force. Moreover, the area of research and development offers plentiful opportunities for pharmaceutical scientists, including drug isolation and production to formulations, packaging and quality assurance of the finished dosage […]

Clinical Research Jobs

GCP Training

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Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is a well accepted global scientific quality and moral standard for performing clinical studies that engage human volunteers. ICH-GCP certification is mandatory for any professional who try to associate with clinical research anywhere around the Globe. This is making GCP training a compulsion to participate or carve a career in this […]

Clinical Research

Clinical Research Courses for Dentists

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The clinical research industry employs thousands of well qualified healthcare professionals or clinical research support staff with relevant credentials. According to ICH-GCP guidelines clinical research professionals should be well qualified with respect to education, experience and training. Both MBBS and BDS graduates are thus preferred in the industry and have good prospects for career growth.

Clinical Research

Clinical research associate salary

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The need for clinical research associates (CRA’s) in global pharmaceutical industry is high and thus the probability of getting an excellent job is also high. Clinical Research as an industry thrives for more Clinical Research Associate (CRA) personnel that need to be trained to be a part of the drug discovery and development processes & […]

Clinical Research

What Is A Clinical Trial?

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Clinical trials are a precise evaluation of novel treatments and will involve testing of new chemical entities, diagnostic methods and therapeutic regimes. They are tested in human volunteers to check for their advantages and risks associated in a sample population in closed conditions.